VIP Lighting: Keeping your workplace safe and compliant
An important part of providing a compliant work environment is ensuring fire safety equipment is accessible, functioning and tested. VIP Lighting and our qualified technicians are able to work with your business to meet requirements for both Australia & New Zealand.
How often do I test Fire Extinguishers in Australia?
A six monthly routine service of portable and wheeled fire extinguishers shall be completed in accordance with table 10.4.1 of the Australian Standards AS2851-2012 to ensure in the case of fire the tenancy is covered. Intervals should not exceed 6 months.
A five yearly service known as a pressure test shall be completed in accordance with table 10.4.3 of the Australian Standards AS2851-2012 to ensure in the case of fire tenancy is covered. Intervals should not exceed 5 years.
How often do I test Fire Extinguishers in New Zealand?
A yearly routine service of portable and wheeled fire extinguishers must be completed in accordance to New Zealand standards. Intervals should not exceed 12 months.
A five yearly service known as a pressure test shall be conducted in accordance with New Zealand standards. Intervals should not exceed 5 years.
How can I tell if Fire Extinguishers are due for testing?
A date tag is displayed on the fire extinguisher showing the month and year the extinguisher was tested. The fire extinguisher would therefore be due for testing 6 months (Australia) or 12 months (New Zealand) from that date.
What type of compliance reporting is required per tenancy?
A fire service report and annual fire safety statement should be available and displayed above the fire extinguisher. A copy of the fire report completed by the qualified VIP Lighting fire technician is passed onto VIP Lighting to keep on record on behalf of our clients. Service records should be kept in accordance with Clause 1.16 of AS2851-2012.
What is a fire resistant door and when should it be tested?
A fire door is a door with fire resistance rating used as part of a passive fire protection system to reduce the spread of a fire or smoke and to enable safe egress from a building. Commercial buildings are required to have the fire rated doors inspected every 6 months, whilst industrial buildings every 12 months.
For more information please visit our Government Regulations & Resource page.